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A Remarkably Long Influenza Season | How to Be Prepared

Every year the flu season typically makes its debut in late fall and ends in the spring, peaking during the holidays. This year the 2021 flu season seems to have overstayed it’s welcome with cases still popping up as of June 2022.

Scientists have explained that the unusually long stay & power of this flu season is partly due to the almost non-existent flu seasons in 2021 & 2020. The annual flu season was nearly non-existent due to life saving COVID-19 restrictions and mask mandates. This created a “perfect storm” for the flu to thrive longer than usual when restrictions were loosened, and mask mandates were dropped. The natural immunity that usually occurs, never happened and now more people are susceptible to getting sick.

All flu seasons are always unpredictable especially with the various strains and figuring out which strain will be the dominant. The influenza vaccine can help those that receive it to dampen the effects as well as help boost your bodies immune system into a quicker recovery. The vaccine, however, is not always a perfect match and those vaccinated prior to flu season in 2021 (August-September) could be at risk for the virus still currently spreading. Thankfully, cases are seeming to wane, and the season seems to be coming to an “end”.

Scientists are encouraging Americans to be prepared for the next flu season that will be coming up in a few short months. Flu vaccines are the best protection against severe sickness and the spread of the flu, wearing a mask is also recommended especially if you feel sick. Finally, if you are feeling sick it is highly recommended that you stay at home if possible, to help slow down the spread as well.  

Healthcare facilities that administer vaccines, are encouraged to stock up in preparation. It is important that those facilities confirm if their vaccine storage is appropriate by using the proper medical refrigerators or freezers purpose built for vaccine storage. With 40+ years of experience, LABRepco has been helping facilities, universities and small offices choose the appropriate vaccine cold storage equipment. Some things to keep in mind:

flu season vaccine refrigerators and freezers

For more information on vaccine storage and the available options, click here or contact your local area sales rep today for assistance.